Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets EXTRA

I was sitting with a guy then one man fully drunk was crossing and misbehaving as well. I simply said "wine is a mocker!" The guy attacked me immediately saying that wine is not a mocker unless you drink it in excess.

He went ahead to justify his claims, that driving is not bad, but when you drive it excess, which is over speeding, then driving will mock you(accident). And he was right anyways.

But this same claim was what one Jehovah Witness member during my school days used to justify himself for sleeping with women, when he was attacked by neighbours. He said "sex(premarital) is not bad, unless you do it in excess!" Chimooo!!!

Well I don't think his Church taught him that. And please let's help people understand the limitations in some of the verses we quote, e get why!

Let us Pray  🙏🙏


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