GOODBYE(What To Do When You're Told Goodbye:)

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget


Word: James 5:16 KJV

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Here's My Take: 

What to do when you're told goodbye:

1. Find out why:

Many a time, we do not know the reason why people told us goodbye or bid us farewell. But finding out will help a lot. It may be that we are the cause of that. It may also be that they person did it intentionally. So if we are the cause, it will help us prepare ourselves and learn how to handle others. My Pastor once told me that the way I handle and treat my mum now that my dad is no more, is exactly the way I'll handle and treat my wife tomorrow.

So if I don't learn to take care of her, I should forget about the young woman coming, because there won't be any difference. "Food for thought!"

Our mistakes have sent people away from us, we thought it was our Wisdom that is chasing them away. Foolishness is not recognizing and accepting your mistake, but blaming it on the other.

As a girl, the way your relate with your neighbours, won't change when you get there. Same with a guy. Know why people run away from you and amend that. I love to hear my wrongs just as I love to hear those right things about me. It helps me to keep myself in check and balance. So try and see if they can open up.


When people open up to you, don't argue them, least they stop telling you what you need to know.


He has forgiven me all my sins

And kept the Holy Ghost in me

I Love the Man of Galilee


Father open my eyes of understanding. Amen.

What have you done about that secret sins???

If you have any questions or contributions, please forward it. Thanks



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