Natural Affection:


Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Natural Affection
Word: 2 Timothy 3:1-3
In the last shall be..without natural affection"

Here's My Take:

6. prosperity: I have always made my observations, that any location where there's constant kidnapping, killings, robbery, etc, just check the Chief security of that place his hands are not clean. Even the government and it's officials within that locality are not left out too.

There's this Igbo adage that says "Ala adi nma wu uru ndi nze" meaning that so many people(indigenes) benefit from any wickedness(corruption, colonization, marginalization, etc) meant against any(their) people(country, region, etc). Because of that, they'll never want such wickedness to stop.

Whether the people(country, region, etc) is in good condition or not, they don't care, as long as they're being enriched, no problems. This is the height of wickedness in the heart of many people today, the reason why there's no Natural Affection in their hearts, irrespective of One Love Fellowships. My heart weeps!!!

Any location where fearful men leads the people, that place will never achieve their potentials, because their leaders will be "wived" by external forces..


There is a cry in my heart that my words cannot express
There is a yearning in my spirit that I cannot communicate
Spirit hear the voice of my heart

Pray to the Father
Spirit Pray
Pray to the Father

There is a depth in the waters that my heart longs for
There are realms of the Spirit beckoning on me
Spirit hear the voice of my heart

Pray to the Father
Spirit Pray
Pray to the Father

Father deliver us from these wicked devices and make our lands peaceful and prosperous in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

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