Spiritual Long-sightedness:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Spiritual Long-sightedness


Word: Prov. 22:6

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Here's My Take:

Example Of Spiritual Long-sighted Persons:

4. Parents:

There's always a fresh ministration of this verse of the Scripture, anytime it's been mentioned "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

There's always a way every child must go.

This verse of the Scripture is not only restricted in righteous living, it could be applied in all our daily activities. Training up a child in that career, business, academics, etc s/he should go, and when s/he is old, s/he will excel in it. 

Therefore, the ability to know that way, is the priority of the parents. It will help them to train that child in such direction. Majority of our parents doesn't know and are not interested to finding out. All they know is what they want for you(I will tell us a story about my family, in relation to this maybe in the next one).


The best thing that can happen to a child is when s/he is on the right way.


We will never Move

Until you Lead the Way

Lord, there’ll be no Decision

Until we know you’re In


If your Presence doesn’t Lead Us

Don’t Take us any Further

We need your Glory

Show us your Glory

If your Presence doesn’t Lead Us

Don’t Take us any Further

We need your Glory

Show us your Glory


Father guide every parents so that they will know the way to lead us. Amen

*Natural Affection Loading...*


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