Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets Extra
So watch your step. Use your head. Ephesians 5:15 MSG
This is one of my favorites Bible verse, because of the way it was written in this translation.
In this life, no matter who you're or what you feel you have, always use your head. For example, that you have become a born again Child of God doesn't mean you should start challenging the deities of your village. Use your head.
∆That we're the light of the world doesn't mean we should start looking for trouble.
That you can preach, teach and perform signs and wonders, doesn't mean you should start insulting the Elders; those that have been in the ministry, interrupted, before you. Use your head.
∆Heaven recognizes hierarchy in its operation. A boy is still a boy, no matter his appearances.
Let us Pray 🙏🙏