
Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God. Psalms 20:7 NLT

Our boast is the Best!

I have heard so many people on Facebook, and WhatsApp criticizing Nigeria for breeding children who are interested in God(church), who goes about praying and preaching. While their counterparts in other countries are teaching their people technology.

While some will go the length of chasing away anyone that came to preach to them. And some already have stopped going to Church.

The truth is, every country has what they boast for. And all can not boast with same things. Some boast with technology, some boast with agriculture, some boast with their football achievements, while some boast in God's name(which is the best). 

That doesn't mean that we can't produce those things. We can, if the Government will show interest. 

Let the world boast with whatever they have, we're not ignorant of that, our boast is in the name of the Lord and that is the best.

Let us Pray  🙏🙏


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