So he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead. Come, let’s go see him.” And the dead man came out, John 11:14-15, 44 NLT
Time of deadness!
There's a time of deadness in the life of every human. This is not actually the time one dies and never comes back to life. From the Scripture, though Lazarus died physically, but his death(sleep) was like those times we encounter difficulties, that looks death.
Except a grain of wheat dies, it abideth alone John 12:24. If Jesus had come to heal Lazarus, the healing miracle would only be felt by the family, thereby reducing God's Glory.
These period of deadness is seen in our businesses, when it will look as if business is not our profession. And we feel like quitting. Same thing happens in families, marriages, ministries, academics, etc, and we'll feel like giving up.
So has any situation looked dead to you, never forget that the dead man came out alive. You'll surely come out, rejoicing. Amen
Let us Pray 🙏🙏