Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget


Word: John 15:16 NLT

You didn’t choose me. I chose you.

Here's My Take:

Still from social media Friendship.

I attended one security seminar some years ago, one of the things they thought us was security consciousness. Inside it, they warned us strictly on the things we display on social media. They told us that social media is the obvious place individuals can be tracked. When you'd told them everything about yourself, you're then at the mercy of those that hate you or want your downfall.

They told us, to be security conscious, we have to restrict what we show/tell people concerning us and the people close to us. Talking about people close to us, don't share people's lives on social media without their permissions. E get why! That person you called friend(which you don't know) can actually be that person's(you displayed) enemy. By that means, you ended up exposing him/her to his/her enemy(your friend).

Just like the Bible said "the days are evil.." and you may not know who's after your life, but couldn't get to you easily. But seeing you posting....going to the river to fetch water.....,he already knows where to trace you. Let's learn not to give devil a chance. Just like tomorrow 21st October, be careful of what you video and share(with your location ON), to avoid implicating yourself into what you don't know how it started. 



The environment you found your friends, is likely going to be the environment you'll find your enemies.

This environment could be marked place, Church, working place, social media, etc.


You broke the night like the sun

And healed my heart with Your great love

Any trouble I couldn't bear

You lifted me upon Your shoulders

Love that's stronger

Love that covers sin

And takes the weight of the world

I love You

All of my hope is in You

Jesus Christ take my life

Take all of me


Father may I not be a victim of security unconsciousness. Amen.

Hope you're being careful???


26th is code

Your gifts are welcome

Your Prayers are very much needed


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