Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget
Word: John 15:16 NLT
You didn’t choose me. I chose you.
Here's My Take:
Different Dictionary Definitions(DDD)
Some times I wonder, the way people easily trust and find comfort in social media. To some social media is their family. To some it's their archive. To some, that's where they cast their problems. There are people every details about them is in the social media. I mean everything. When they're engaged or disengaged, they'll share it. When they want to marry they share. When they divorce, they may share it. When they give birth they share.
When the buy car, build house, buy clothes; even underwear they share. Whatsoever and whenever they're cooking, even when they start eating, they share. When they're happy, angry, excited, displeased, disappointed, disflowered, disorganized they share. Some share their family history, heritage, assets, problems, curses, reproaches, weaknesses, wickedness. Some share their naked pictures, their friends naked pictures, while some go about filming people unspotted.
Many took social media as their next of kin. I wonder what could become of this world(social media) in the next three decades?!
When we were growing up, we were taught not to wash our dirty linings outside; not everything was meant for public consumption. Nowadays on social media no secret anyone. The next thing they'll come and tell you is "please disregard it". After exposing yourself?! What a shame?!
There's no kind of things you can't see people do on social media especially when demons brought out a challenge. Even the Elects will join
Mountains Turn to Miracles
Valleys turn to Victories
Just for me, Particularly me
Lord, you did it all
Burdens Turn to Blessings
Obstacles now Opportunities
You did it, It is your Hand work Oh
So I Sing
E Yahweh O, E Yahweh O
E Yahweh O, E Yahweh O
Father I Declare
I’m yours Forever
Lord you’re Worthy of my Praise
Father may I not be a slave to nonsenses. Amen.
Are you excited about going to Heaven???
26th is code
Your gifts are welcome
Your Prayers are very much needed