GOODBYE(What To Do When You're Told Goodbye:)

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget


Word: 2 Peter 1:3 ESV

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence

Here's My Take: 

What to do when you're told goodbye:

2. Learn from their reasons:

Yesterday we concluded by saying "Prayer doesn't become a reality without a follow up work. Prayer doesn't keep friendship/relationship, attitude does."

I just want us to know this, people can ignore your character, but they can never ignore your attitude towards them. Character doesn't directly affect others, but the host. Because when your character is rotten, people(family, friends, colleagues, ) will avoid you. You'll work alone and die lonely

Unlike Character, attitude doesn't directly affect the host, but others. Because when someone is showing stupid attitude he may not feel anything, even if you tell him, he won't see anything wrong about it. But the people around him will feel the impact. Even with that stupid attitude, he'll still have greater number of friends who are in his shoe. 

Attitude is what we meet immediately we come close to people not their character.

But character is what we see as time goes on. In other words, it means that Attitude will draw people to you or chase them away, immediately. But Character will either keep them or discharge them later.


First impression(good or bad) comes from the attitude we gave. But every other impressions we give out comes from character.


You looked pass

My sin, my guilt, my shame

And poured your Love

You looked beyond me oh

You looked beyond me oh


Father help me to work on my attitude as well as my character. Amen.

How good/bad is your attitude???

If you have any questions or contributions, please forward it. Thanks



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