Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget Extra

He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. 1 John 5:12 KJV

He that has this ticket is qualified!

Have you been in a place before people enter they'll be required to present their pass tickets, if you have it, you'll enter, buy if you don't have any, you'll be thrown out? That's what that scripture is telling us.

He that has the son, has life. No life without the son.

This life is not just to sleep and wake; nope. It's is not just merriments; nope. This life is a life inside life and a life outside(after) life.

A life anyone that has it, whether rich or poor, strong or weak, will always be happy and peaceful. It's a life only those who are alive will have. And it's a life that can qualify you to live even though you'd died.

So I ask, do you know that you can be alive but has no life?

Let Us Pray 🙏🙏

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