GOD BLESS ME(WHY WILL GOD BLESS ME; Because it is written:)

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget


Word: Luke 4:4 KJV

And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written..

Here's My Take:

Why Will God Bless Me

1. Because it is written:

A man who knows the Constitution can hardly be intimidated no matter what. Because knowing the Constitution means knowing his right. And any one who knows his right can never be taking for granted, unless on a lawless environment.

Knowing what is written and holding unto it, gives you an added advantage.

Jesus told the temptation giant that it is written. We following that foothold should say it is written. As long as it is written it is written. Reminding God His word, telling Him what He said, has a lot of dept to go. He want us to hold Him by His words. That doesn't mean that He doesn't know that that was what He said, nope. He just want to know if we are actually following(listening to) what He'd said.

Just like many of us will be in the Church sleeping while the Pastor is preaching. That's how many of us, including me sleep while God is talking to us through many means. So he actually want us to remind him of his word so that he'll know those that are following. And if you're following, he'll show himself strong.


To every Child of God, there's a particular word for you. A word that will always light up your path(make you feel relieved) when you remember it.


Come father

Come son

Come Holy Spirit

Come and take your place

In my life


Father let your word light up my paths, and let it guide me through. Amen.

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We are nothing but pensils in the hand of the Almighty.





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