Re/commendation Birth Condemnation:

Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Re/commendation Birth Condemnation 

Word: ‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭Daniel 4:33 ESV

Immediately the word was fulfilled against Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from among men and ate grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair grew as long as eagles’ feathers, and his nails were like birds’ claws.

Here's My Take:

Example Of Recommendation That Birth Condemnation:

Biblical Characters:

2. King Nebuchadnezzar: King Nebuchadnezzar was given a temporal residence in the animal kingdom. It was God's Grace, if not it would have been permanent. King Nebuchadnezzar was one of those Kings God used as His instruments to punish his children and the nations of the world.

He was the only person under the heaven that served as God's deputy. Hear what God said "I will gather together all the armies of the north under King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, whom I have appointed as my deputy(Jeremiah 25:9): He knew how much God had used him and was using him, yet he spoke selfishly.

This speaks volumes. It means that no matter how much God is using you as his instrument; no matter how much you think you're important to God, be careful. Because you'll be the first person he'll discipline. So if you're God's instrument, watch what you say/do.


God is not a respecter of anyone. He is the only one that has the right to hire and fire, without being blamed or questioned. Remember what happened to Lucifer.


You are the Odogwu, The Mighty Warrior

I call you Agaba, Miracles happen

When I Worship You, More than Enough for me

It's my Joy to Worship You 


Lord may we not become a shadow of ourselves because of pride in Jesus name. Amen. 



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