Thank You Sweet Holy Spirit..

‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‬‬‬‬Psalm 103:1 KJV‬‬

Bless the LORD, O my soul: And all that is within me, bless his holy name.

Our Father, The Only Wise King. We lay our crowns in Worship. Thank You Lord for such a Beautiful Day. Thanks for our Lives. Thank You also for Your Faithfulness, Goodness, Mercy, Grace, Peace and Love towards us. Be Glorified Lord in Jesus name. Amen.

Lord as we begin today, may we never step out of Your Coverage. Cause us to work in the Light of Your Glory. Help us to Live and Proclaim Your Goodness and Righteousness. Help us to walk in the Paths of our Destiny helpers, and give us the Wisdom not to faulter before them. May today give us substantial evidence to long for tomorrow. Amen.

Lord let satan fall like lightening concerning our Lives, Health, Destiny, Finances and Families. Amen. Let our Day be very Fruitful, Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful and Blessed in Jesus Christ Name we Prayed. Amen.



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