Thank You Sweet Holy Spirit..

‭‭‭‭‬‬‭‭Psalm 68:19 KJV‬‬

Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.

Oh Our Father, The King Of Glory. Lord Of All Creations. Way Maker. Be Glorified forever. Amen. Thank You Lord for the privilege of being called Your own. Thank You for Your Preservations, Provisions, Protections, Faithfulness, Goodness, Mercy, Grace, Peace, and Love. Be Magnified Lord in Jesus name. Amen.

Lord go ahead of us today and make all things Beautiful. Cause our faces to attract Favours, Blessings, Prosperity, Opportunities, Goodness, etc. Fix all that has been broken in our lives and hearts and restore all our lost fortunes. May Your Grace that has found us bring us to the place of Righteousness and Honour.

Lord Rebuke the devourers of our Lives, Health, Blessings And Destinies. And let Your Good Will Prevail and make our Day Very Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful And Blessed, In Jesus Christ Name We Pray. Amen.



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