Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets EXTRA:
Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of rape, then Potiphar threw him to prison. Fews years later Pharaoh brought him out and made him his second in command, and put him in charge of the entire Egypt, including Potiphar and his wife(Asa Odogwu).
Have you wondered how "pale and shrink" that woman will appear whenever she sees Joseph?! This is why is dangerous and gravery to accuse or hurt someone that didn't do anything to you. Or treat people badly.
We can only tell about yesterday and partly the hours we'd spent today, but the rest of the day and tomorrow are solely in God's hands. Therefore tread with caution and treat people kindly.
Let Us Pray🙏🙏
Remember, JESUS CHRIST is coming back. Hope you're ready?!