Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets EXTRA:
Doubting God has/have consequence/s. Whenever He speaks to you and you didn't understand, better tell Him to help your weakness and explain more, He'll do that but doubting him will result a tiny punishment.
Let's look at this two characters... Zachariah was told that He will have a son, he doubted it, because of his age at that time, he became dumb(consequence). But Mary his in-law got a message from God that she'll born the Messiah, which was unbelievable because she was a virgin, secondly the caliber of person she was to give birth to, yet she believed. And she was blessed the more.
Beloved if you're very sure, I mean very sure that that instructions, directions, etc is from God, just accept it like Mary did. He'll elevate you.
Let Us Pray🙏🙏
Remember, JESUS CHRIST is coming back. Hope you're ready?!