Thank You Sweet Holy Spirit:

Thank You Sweet Holy Spirit.

This is the Day that the Lord has made, we'll rejoice and be glad in it. Therefore we say Thank You for preserving our lives and health, protecting and providing for us. Thank You for not withholding Your Mercy, Grace, Peace and Love from today.

Lord as we begin today, we ask that You overturn all situations for our own good. Satisfy us early today and cause all that concerns us to yield maximum good results. Bless the works of hands and Bless the food for our mouths.

Go ahead of us and establish Your terror upon the devil, the wicked and their wickedness that shall rise and oppose all that You've prepared for us today. Help us to Love the Lord and live in Righteousness. At the end, Let Your Good Will Prevail and let our day Be Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful And Blessed, in Jesus Christ Name We Pray. Amen.


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