Good Morning Sweet Holy Spirit.

Thank You for the Expression of Your Love towards us by keeping us alive in the Land of the Living. And helping us to enter this day with our body and health intact. Thank You also for Your Mercy, Grace, Peace and Love towards us. We're grateful Lord.

Lord as we begin today may we not find what to eat, drink, wear and excess to give. Guide and guard us all through today and let everything we'll come in contact with tremble because of Your Presence. And let them work for our Good and Favours.

Today may we encounter what will make our mouths sing songs of Your Goodness and may nothing take deny us that. Lord rebuke the devourer and his agents. And trouble anyone that'll want to trouble our health, finances, happiness, peace, etc. Let Your Good Will Prevail and let our day Be Very Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful And Blessed, in Jesus Christ Name We Pray. Amen.



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