Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets EXTRA:

‭‭There are Two Reasons why people will gossip about us this year. And I refused to let the first reason be my portion!

The first reason is when you allow yourself to be striking by poverty; and you end up begging/looking for help from people. This will make them gossip about you anything and anywhere they see you.

Another Beautiful reason, which is the one I like, is when their expectations or cheap opinions about you were disappointed. When they thought you'll never amount to something, but they see you succeeding massively. This will make them anytime and/or anywhere they see you, shame won't allow them to stop talking about your Good success.

This is why is good to succeed at all cost, in a genuine way.

Let Us Pray🙏🙏

Also Remember that JESUS CHRIST is coming back again. Be ready!!!


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