Good Morning Sweet Holy Spirit:

Good Morning Sweet Holy Spirit.

Wow! It's an honour to see this Beautiful day. We're very grateful Lord. Please shower with us your unfailing Love, Mercy and Grace.

Hold us by your Holy hands and lead us all through today and back. Help us to make right decisions, and as well do the right thing.  

We'll not lack what to eat and drink. We'll not miss our way or run into the arms of evil men. We shall find what we're looking for, and our Joy, Happiness, Prosperity, Peace, Love, Gladness, etc shall not be made few

May we remain Ambassadors of Christ, in words, actions, attitude, character, situation, etc.

Give us unfathomable Testimonies

And In All Let Your Good Will Prevail And Let Today Be Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful And Blessed.

In Jesus Christ Name We Pray. Amen.


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