Good Morning Sweet Holy Spirit:

Good Morning Sweet Holy Spirit.

Thank You so much for the privilege to see another beautiful day. Please do not withdraw your mercies from us.

Go ahead of us today and defend your order(plan, pattern, purpose) for our livesand our families. Restore us to Your original order concerning our ministries, marriages, families, finances, etc.

May we not be hopeless today. May we not see shame, discouragements, disappointments, disgrace, etc.

Make us examples of Believers and cause people to find interest in your Presence we carry. Overshadow our thoughts, wills, desires with your Glory. Let your Love towards us be unbreakable.

Let today be the best. In all Let Your Will be Done and let today be Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful, Blessed.

In Jesus Christ Name we Pray. Amen.


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