Good Morning Sweet Holy Spirit:

 Good Morning Sweet Holy Spirit.

Thank You so much for the Privilege to see this beautiful day.

Put your Joy in my heart as I go out today, and cause my countenance to shine bright like the noon firmament.

Encourage me to always show gratitude and represent Christ where I go.

May my light never go deem, may my strength never grow weak, may my voice never go dumb.

Keep my feet always in the path of Righteousness, and also in the path of my helpers.

Let no storm be strong enough to remove me from my inheritance in you.

Guard my family, show us your Glory and your Mercy, increase us in all ramifications. Help us to walk with you, for you and in you.

And let all our day be Beautiful, Blissful and Blessed.

In Jesus Christ Name I Pray. Amen.


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