Spiritual Long-sightedness


Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Spiritual Long-sightedness

Word: Prov. 22:6
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Here's My Take:
Example Of Spiritual Long-sighted Persons:

4. Parents:
Finally: Parents know your limits. Why it took me time to address this this particular category, is because most parents, especially mothers doesn't know their limits. Because that spirit of dominating over children's lives to ensure that they do as said has eaten deep inside you, you may not know when you have overstepped your boundaries.

This dominating spirit has made most of these parents not to know when their children have left their care directly. How can you have children that are married, yet you still want to tell them how to live in their homes?! Not that you want to give advice, but to impose.

If you could listen to so many homes, you'll hear "my mother in-law..." I have seen several husbands and wives that will never sleep peacefully because the men's mothers were around, not until they'd left. Same with the woman's mother too.

There's time for everything, and everyone under the Sun.


It was my cross You bore
So I could live in the freedom You died for
And now my life is Yours
And I will sing of Your goodness forevermore

Worthy is Your name, Jesus
You deserve the praise
Worthy is Your name
Worthy is Your name, Jesus
You deserve the praise
Worthy is Your name

Father please help parents to know how to lead their children. Amen

*Natural Affection Loading...*


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