Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget
Topic: Spiritual Long-sightedness
Word: Matthew 7:5 NLT
Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.
Here's My Take:
Example Of Spiritual Long-sighted Persons:
3. Politicians:
Before we continue let's refresh our minds a little about this topic, Spiritual Long-sightedness. Though we took time to explain it during the early stage of this topic. Spiritual Long-sightedness is the inability of one to see what is before him/her, but sees clearly what's afar of
In other words, it's when your attention (eyes, interests, etc) is towards other people's matter, and you neglect yours. When you have heavy burdens on your shoulders, but chose concentrate on the little that's on the head of someone else.
Example of this, is when a country is having serious security challenges, they didn't do anything about it, rather they went and give security apparatus and advice to another country. When a country couldn't give it's citizens light, but supply lights to more than one countries. Etc.
Before you even think of removing a sand on a person's eyes, first remove the plank on your eyes
More than my mouth can testify
More than my mind can comprehend
See I’ve seen the wonders of your grace
I’m so sure that this is not the end
Eze ebube
see how far you’ve brought me
Eze ebube
I’m so glad you found me worthy
I can see
I can tell
And I know it’s your grace
All my days I will sing your praise
Father may I not ignorantly be dealing and showing wickedness to myself. Amen???
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