Eguh Nnamdi Nugget EXTRA

There have been so many controversies about today, 25th of December called Christmas. According to history, they said today was Roman pagan worship, and the CHURCH CONVERTED IT TO CELEBRATION OF CHRIST'S BIRTH.

So why the confusion, if the churches then agreed, why can't we agree; is church divided? If pagans are celebrating their gods, Lets celebrate our Saviour, and make it even more louder. When we make our celebration more attractive than theirs, they'll be forced to join us.

Please shop selling their interests to us by your constantly reminding us the origin of today, rather lets find means to make our celebration more exciting than football, and go round inviting people to join us.

Remember, there's no best way to do the celebration; you can choose to go for a retreat, or visit the homeless(motherless, prisoners, old people, etc), go for outreach programs/crusades, etc. Just do anything that will bring Glory to our celebrant. But never engage in sexual sin or any other immoral act, drinking, masquerading, etc.

So beloved, can we for once stop mentioning pagan, and make JESUS, which is God's show of Love to mankind go viral?!

Let Us Pray🙏🙏


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