Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget


Word: James 1:12 GNT

Happy are those who remain faithful under trials, because when they succeed in passing such a test, they will receive as their reward the life which God has promised to those who love him.

Here's My Take:

What To(Not) Do At The Time Of Weakness:

4. Don't give up:

At the time of Weakness or at the end of it, there's every tendency that one will loose focus, especially the Weaknesses that are attached to one's goals(pursuit, ministry, destiny, etc). You'll totally loose interest. The drive will be very weak. Giving up will be the only option.

Let's look at this illustration...when a teenage girl gets pregnant, to her and everyone around her, her world(goals, academics, interests, etc) is over. Some will become hawkers, some will become full time prostitutes, some become baby making machine, etc.

This is how her life will be unless the people around her will encourage her not to give up, speaking positive things to her always. Not abusing and condemning her all the time.


What we hear at the time of Weakness will either destroy us the more or package us for good.


Excuse me, excuse me,

I need to see the Lord

She kept on saying,

She never stopped for once

If I could touch his garment I’d be whole,

Jesus said to her,

Your faith has made you whole

She believed in God,

she believed,

She believed in miracle


Father no matter what I'm passing through, may I not give up. Amen.

Are you useful to God???

NB: Please from Next month, our topic *"My Now, Your Now, Our Now"* will be shared through the blog link. Please do read through the link. Thanks


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