Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget


Word: Genesis 3:11‭-‬12 NKJV

And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.”

Here's My Take:

What To(Not) Do At The Time Of Weakness:

4. Stop blaming people:

Adam was the role model of blamers, infact he initiated it. As the first man to be created, just the first mistake he made, and the very first day God asked him the first question, he threw the blame on some else. Eve also being the first woman, and the second human to exist, and also a fast learner, threw the blame also to the serpent.

Because serpent was not a fast learner like Eve, s/he couldn't throw his/her blame on anyone/thing. Because if serpent was someone of this generation, s/he will even blame God for keeping the fruit at the garden to tempt us. And s/he will quote, it is written "Lead us not into temptation"

This attitude of blaming was transferred to us naturally, just like the way we inherited their sin(Adamic nature). And it's left for us to choose either to quit blaming or continue living by it. It's a choice!


Blaming people over our Weaknesses makes us not to feel the pains, which will push us to look for solution. 


You were the Word at the beginning

One with God the Lord Most High

Your hidden glory in creation

Now revealed in You our Christ

What a beautiful Name it is

What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus Christ my King

What a beautiful Name it is

Nothing compares to this

What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus


Father help me to stop doing that thing that will make me to keep blaming people. Amen.

What will separate you from God's Love???

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