
When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out.. John 11:43‭-‬44 NIV

Come Out!!

I don't care what you're passing through or what is passing through you. Just know that you'll Come Out!!

When Jesus commanded Lazarus to Come Out! He didn't command him to Come Out to start crying or to start regretting, or to start mourning, or to start sicking again. NO.

He did that so that Lazarus will Come Out and be Free, and Rejoice, and Celebrate, and reunite with family, and get married and kids, and to be alive, and to succeed and prosper, and to dumbfound his enemies, etc.

Therefore Jesus is saying to me and my family and to you my friends Come Out!!!

Let us Pray  🙏🙏


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