Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget
Word: 1 Corinthians 14:20 NLT
Dear brothers and sisters, don’t be childish in your understanding of these things. Be innocent as babies when it comes to evil, but be mature in understanding matters of this kind.
Here's My Take:
What to do when you're told goodbye:
7. Be mature and responsible:
When someone says goodbye to you, continue to love and cherish him/her, both in his/her presence and/or absence. It's not a do or die affair. It must not end in open confrontations, verbal abuse, social media assault, etc. Be mature about it.
Something funny happened around my area. Two youths who were supposedly, boyfriend and girlfriend were quarreling. My friend's father and the people that were there tried to find out what the matter was? The girl said she was no longer interested. The guy said if she's no longer interested, she should refund all the money he spent on her, in University. The girl told him that all those times he was on top of her, that's what he was collecting. On hearing this, my friend's father told everyone there "to your tents oh Israel!"
Every mature and responsible person has a shame.(To read more on Shame click on the link below ).
That alone will make you carry your kaya(wahala, matter) enter house. Be mature and responsible in tackling issues as that. Relationship(Marriage) is not meant for children and shouldn't be handled with kids gloves. Stop acting childish when the other quits. Just let him/her be! Stop embarrassing yourselves!
Respect separation as you respect union. Because when you were together it was unannounced. And as you separate, it should be announced as well. Be mature!
I am Perfect in everything
God has said it
That’s what it is
I am Perfect in everything
God has said it
That’s what it is
I am walking in his Glory
Walking in his Grace
Walking in Perfection
That’s just the way it is
Father help me not to be out of control. Amen.
It's self in control of you or you in control???