GOODBYE(What To Do When You're Told Goodbye:)

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget


Word: 2 Thessalonian 3:16 NIV.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. 

Here's My Take: 

What to do when you're told goodbye:

3. Keep calm:

When you've tried to know why people told you goodbye and did everything to bring them back but they refused, you stay calm. You let them be. This is Wisdom. Just like I'd said earlier, you can not force someone who has made up his/her mind to go, to stay. You can't. Unless you have strong convictions. Yet the person will decide to come back.

My Best friend prayed one prayer. He told God "may I not be poor or look bad so that those that left me now will never look back and say thank God we left him. Rather bless me, so that when they see me, they'll regret leaving. And even if they don't regret, may they not see reasons to mock me tomorrow." Wow!

I love this kinda prayer

Just like we aforementioned, people leave because they thought you ain't gonna be good or make it in life. Because when they see you, they see zero not hero. When you allow their thoughts to be true, then shame will be on you. But when you flop their thoughts by being the best they never expected, they'll regret saying goodbye.


You have the key to your happiness, never let anyone deter or litter you. Move on, move in, move out, no time! 


Joy Joy Joy

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Joy Joy Joy

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Father help me to be at Peace with everyone and put peace in my heart. Amen.

Do you know that you're the best???

If you have any questions or contributions, please forward it. Thanks



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