Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets EXTRA.

As I was enjoying my dinner, the Spirit of God began to expand my knowledge. He made me recall some approaches of some Ministers that used to complain a lot about their Bosses(Senior Pastors/G.Os/G.S). He said such shouldn't be. Their Bosses have only Judge, which is God. He alone has the right over their lives, and He's the one that will punish them of any thing they did wrong, not your complaint.

He went further to say, if Joshua will tell us what he passed through in the hands of Moses, we all know that Moses gets angry easily....also, if Samuel will tell us his ideal with his Boss, Eli the Priest and his children too...

Enough complaining, focus on your calling. Also, Serve, Love, respect, cherish and value your Boss. He is not your rewarder, your rewarder is Christ Jesus.

Let Us Pray 🙏🙏

Remember, JESUS CHRIST is coming again. Hope You're READY?!


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