Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets EXTRA.
Tell devil that you're not stupid, you made the right choice/decision.
Young lady I know that devil might have told you several times that you're a loser, because you're not sleeping around like others. Young man you might have heard same thing from the same devil, telling you that you're not man enough, for seeing these beautiful damsels, without touching them.
Just tell that devil that you ain't stupid, that you made the right choice. Sincerely speaking, the devil will want to put you under pressure, by causing your friends and siblings to do those things you said no to. Still tell Him "devil I ain't stupid, I made that choice myself.
Don't let him make you feel that you were coined into taking that best decision of your life. Don't believe his lies that sexual purity is old fashioned. Married man never let the devil deceive you, that man is polygamous in nature. It's not TRUE
Let Us Pray 🙏🙏
Don't forget, JESUS CHRIST is coming again. Hope You're READY?