Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets EXTRA.

One day a friend said to me sarcastically "so you go about telling people that you're a servant of God?!"

Through the help of the Holy Spirit, I'd learnt that making people know that you're a child of God...irrespective of your weakness/es...will make you fight your weakness. Reason is this, once you've told people that you're a child of God, you've implicated yourself "in righteousness", and you wouldn't want to allow your weakness to manifest and disgrace you.

Secondly, those people you told about yourself will constantly remind you that you're a child of God, anytime they see you misbehaving.

This is why we say who we are!

Let Us Pray 🙏🙏

Remember, JESUS CHRIST is coming again. Hope You're READY?!


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