Thank You Sweet Holy Spirit..

‭‭Psalm 145:16 KJV 

Thou openest thine hand, And satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

Our God and Father. Thank You for the gift life. Thank You for all You've done and You're doing. Thank You so much for Your Forgiveness, Goodness, Mercy, Faithfulness, Grace, Peace and Love towards us. Be Glorified Lord. In Jesus name. Amen 

Lord we totally depend on You for all that we desire today. Help us, Guide us, Lead us and Direct us. Take us away from anything that'll destroy, limit, affect, shame, confuse, disgrace, distract or distress us. May our Heads, Feet and Hands lack no oil. Increase and multiplication are our portion today Lord. We walk in the Abrahamic Blessings, Favours, Prosperity and Dominion. Amen.

Lord cut off the hands of satan over all that concerns us. Let Your Good Will Prevail and let our day Be Very Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful And Blessed, in Jesus Christ Name We Pray. Amen.



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