Thank You Sweet Holy Spirit.

Psalm 103:1 KJV‬‬

Bless the LORD, O my soul: And all that is within me, bless his holy name.

Our Father and Our God. We exalt Your Holy Name. Thank You Lord for this Beautiful Day. Thanks for Your Preservations, Provisions and Protection. Thank You also for Your Faithfulness, Goodness, Mercy, Grace, Peace and Love towards us. Be Glorified Lord in Jesus name. Amen.

Lord let our day be as Beautiful as the name of Jesus sounds. Let the Joy of the Holy Ghost flow out of our faces, making us approachable, thereby attracting Favours, Blessings, Helpers of Destinies and the Best today can offer to us. Change every narrative that's wrong in our lives. Help us to Love You and to Love the people around us. May we find Peace and Happiness in all we'll do today. Amen.

Lord uproot the council/counsel of the wicked over our Lives, Health, Destiny, Finances and Families. Amen. Let our Day be very Fruitful, Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful and Blessed in Jesus Christ Name we Prayed. Amen.



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