Eguh Nnamdi Nuggets EXTRA:

‭‭Let me share with you what we were taught today in Church. I believe you'll be as blessed as I was.

Channels For The Growth Of Faith:

1. Revelation(rhema) of the Word

2. The testimonies of the acts of God. Ps 93:5, 119:24. Testimonies bring assurance, Joy and counsel. 1 Peter 1:8, Rev 19:10. Testimony equals prophecy. 

3. The right utterance. Your utterance can either empower your Faith or disempower your faith. Matt 12:37. Your words can either liberate or limit you.

4. The right environment. It refers to the right company 1Cor 15:33, Prov 13:20. Your environment can charge your Faith or chain your Faith.

5. The right instruction and impartation Matt 14:22-28, Acts 4:13. Faith is a spirit, and if it's a spirit, it's transmissible. 

6. The knowledge of God. Heb 11:6, Phil 3:10. Increase in the knowledge of God is increase in the strength of Faith. Col 1:10

7. Vision and pictures of the Future. Hab 2:1-2. Gen 13: 14-15, 15:5, Lam 3:51, Heb 11:27. Your picture can help your venture and facilitate your capture so that you can attend your future. 

8. Flowing in the spirit. 2Cor 4:13. The spirit of God connect you to the mantle of faith. 2Tim 1:6-8, Jude 1:20. Holy Spirit will assist you to access scriptures that steer/enfire your faith. 1Cor 2:9-10

9. The maintenance of a good conscience. 1Tim 1:19, 3:9 Prov 28:1. Uprightness is the platform for boldness in the Spirit. Holiness with Faith makes you irresistible.

10. Walking in Love. Gal 5:6. Faith is impotent without Love. Eph 1:5-6, Col 1:5, 2 Thess 1:3. You're struggling to access Faith because you're struggling to Love people. John 4:8, Amos 3:3

Let Us Pray🙏🙏

Be Reminded that JESUS CHRIST is coming soon...


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