Nnamdi: Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget



Word: Isaiah 60:1

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

Isaiah 60:1 NIV

We're coming to the end of this Topic, we'll be sharing some interesting write-ups on this wonderful topic, stay tuned..

Here's My Take:

TIME OF RISING is the time when there should be a change in position. A time that was supernaturally designed by God that a change must happen. Irrespective of how long it will take, that TIME will surely come.

One certain thing is that this TIME isn't in the hand of any man, if not it could be hindered. It can not be calculated using natural time(clock), if not some factors will affect it. It's a set time, beyond man's comprehension and regulations, if not it will be manipulated.

It's a TIME that must come, come what may! This TIME doesn't come when we'd expected it. It doesn't follow patterns or surrender to protocols, it's not under any mortal or immortal's influence, except God Almighty.

TIME OF RISING is the time of positive change in the life of someone. It's called the appointed time. It's the TIME when everything created/made will start working for him/her, whether they want it or not. When that TIME comes, little effort will give too plenty results.

Even those things you did in the time past that didn't yield results will overnight yield much results, when the TIME comes. Because everything will work to ensure that that TIME prevails. This is why that TIME is beyond natural.

TIME OF RISING is not specific, it could come at early stage, middle stage or in the later days of a man. It's all about being patient and waiting for it to come. Not by folding of hands though...

To be continued...


Waiting for the TIME OF RISING isn't a moment to fold hands, it's not a time to curse your life or time to hate. It's a time to pray as if everything comes by praying, and also work as if everything is by working hard. But know that only God will determine that time..


Picture: internet


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