Good Morning Sweet Holy Spirit:

Good Afternoon Sweet Holy Spirit.

Thank You so much for the privilege to see another beautiful day. Please renew your mercies upon us.

Go ahead of us today and order our steps as we kick off today's activities. May we see the hand of the Lord in whatsoever we'll be doing today. Give us that good and perfect gift that comes from you alone.

We'll find Favour before you and before all men. Let our(forehead, names, facial expressions, body language, sitting/standing posture, voice tone, footprint, dressing style, whatever we'll do, etc) attract Favours today and beyond.

We'll not do things that'll regret. May we see your light at every corner. We stand against every form of opposition.

In all Let Your Will be Done and let today be Peaceful, Beautiful, Blissful, Blessed.

In Jesus Christ Name we Pray. Amen.


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