Natural Affection:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Natural Affection


Word: 2 Timothy 3:1-3

In the last shall be..without natural affection"

Here's My Take:

Finally on this Topic, Natural Affection. The Bible said In the last shall be..without natural affection", meaning that people will no longer care, value, regard, respect, honor one another.

It means that people will no longer be interested about the affairs of others. If everyone will die and only me lives, no problem. Even if people don't have good water, electricity, good roads, hospital, etc, as long as I'll get what I want am ok and comfortable.

Man has made himself an enemy of himself, reason is because he doesn't care. Who rules them and how s/he does that doesn't matter, as long as my family will be protected no problem. If you're in these shoes and more, then you Lack Natural Affection.


Having a life and living it without minding who's benefitting or who's hurt by it shows that you're among those that have lost their Natural Affection.


This life that I have

Is the life of God in me

This life that I have

Is the life of Christ

This joy that I have

Is the joy of the Holy Ghost

I'm the image of the loving God

He gave me a priceless gift, the Holy Ghost

Through me God is revealed

I am saved eternally in Christ

I have Zoe

I have Zoe

The Spirit of God lives inside of me


Father fill our hearts your Love in Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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