Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget
Topic: Natural Affection
Word: 2 Timothy 3:1-3
In the last shall be..without natural affection"
Here's My Take:
6. prosperity: We concluded yesterday by saying "When all a Leader cares about is his/her personal and/or family's interest, ideas for poverty eradication won't see the light of the day." I have heard so many Politicians in Africa talking about Poverty eradication, yet they care less about the people's interests.
You can't borrow money and share it to your family, friends and very few corrupt minded neighbors, and expect prosperity in the land. Sharing of fish without providing ponds won't satisfy the hunger of fish, rather create more "crave-ziness". And as this wickedness by the Leaders lingers, crimes grow.
Many countries today are owing as a result of borrowing and sharing, instead of borrowing and industrializing to pay back. The question is, those countries lending money don't they have financial needs too?! Because if they'll witthold their money, I believe that these countries will utilize the little they have and develop.
What still marvels me is how a country will have major Natural Resources, yet borrow money from the ones with little resources; how did they do that?! What a shame!
If my heart could tell a story
If my life would sing a song
If I have a testimony
If I have anything at all
No one ever cared for me like Jesus
His faithful hand has held me all this way
And when I'm old and grey
And all my days are numbered on the earth
Let it be known in you alone
My joy was found
Oh my joy, my joy
Father deliver us from greedy Leadership Jesus name. Amen.
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