Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget
Topic: Natural Affection
Word: 2 Timothy 3:1-3
In the last shall be..without natural affection"
Here's My Take:
7. Public Things Will Be Respected:
b. Public office: Theirs this lifestyle or will I say attitude that I displeased with passion. And this attitude is most likely found among us, in the Church, organization, etc. It is the attitude of being very unserious when you're under/following someone, and later being very serious when you're leading/heading.
Then expecting the people under you to be serious like you now. This attitude is very very ungodly. No matter how serious you intend to be, the Scriptures must be fulfilled on your unto others as you wish them to do to you.
Whether you're learning trade or skills, whether you're a Religious Leader or School Teacher, etc, if you're unserious in rendering your services under that Leadership, same unserioussness will be waiting for you when you'll want everything to be done in your own way. You better change that now!!
Did you notice that most people that were unserious with their parents as kiddos usually end up with unserious partners(husbands/wives). Hello?!!
Just make this a case study...
For upon me is Your glory and Your grace
And upon me is Your beauty and Your love
For upon me is Your glory and Your grace
And upon me is Your beauty and Your love
From glory to glory
You are taking me
From glory to glory
You are taking me
Father please have mercy on us in Jesus Christ. Amen.
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