Natural Affection:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Natural Affection


Word: 2 Timothy 3:1-3

In the last shall be..without natural affection"


My Take:


7. Public Things Will Be Respected:

b. Public office: The way evil(mismanagement, corruption, etc) is increasing, am afraid that it may not be taken care of till Christ comes. This is because this evil is found at all levels, and the higher the level the greater the evil. But the problem I have is that the people, especially those at the lower level will always condemn those at the higher level.

It marvels me to see someone who steals from his people in the village or someone that defrauds people using social media opening his buccal cavity to condemn a politician for embezzlement. Well can't support stealing a penny not to mention embezzling millions... 

Just that I don't know who's kettle or pot. Because a large extent..does same thing, and they turned black with time. This is why some Judges have no morale stamina to render sound Judgement. Because when you're like what you want to judge, you'll face another direction.


Do unto Government property as you wish them do unto you 


From the ends of the earth

From the depths of the sea

From the heights of the heavens

Your name we praise

From the hearts of the weak

From the shouts of the strong

From the lips of all people

This song we raise Lord

Throughout the endless ages

You will be crowned with praises Lord

Most High (Most High)

Exalted in every nation

Sovereign of all creation Lord

Most High

Be magnified


Father have mercy on us in Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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