Natural Affection:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Natural Affection


Word: 2 Timothy 3:1-3

In the last shall be..without natural affection"

Here's My Take:


7. Public Things Will Be Respected:

a. Hospital: Mismanagement of public offices is an act of unrighteousness. Have you wondered why public/government property are mostly in bad shape, while private property are highly managed? Because there's no Natural Affection.

This is why a Government Doctor will be working with Government and also open his/her own hospital; s/he will be receiving salary from the Government but prefer to refer their patients to their private clinics. Not only will they have their own clinics, they'll prefer to stay absent from the Public Hospital, and be present in theirs.

They'll still be the ones that'll be at the forefront going for strikes as a result of non increments of salary, yet patients are dying daily as a result of their absence and unconcerned attitude towards Public property.

To be continued...


The Bible said "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:4 KJV.  But with what am seeing this days, I don't think that today public officers are following..


In the crushing

In the pressing

You are making new wine

In the soil

I now surrender

You are breaking new ground

So I yield to You into Your careful hand

When I trust You I don't need to understand

Make me Your vessel

Make me an offering

Make me whatever You want me to be

I came here with nothing

But all You have given me

Jesus bring new wine out of me


Father restore sanity in our public offices in Jesus Christ name. Amen. 

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