Spiritual Long-sightedness

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Spiritual Long-sightedness


Word: Prov. 22:6

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Here's My Take:

Example Of Spiritual Long-sighted Persons:

4. Parents:

Spirit of competition has destroyed the destinies of so many youngsters. Imagine having a family where all your siblings children attended/attending University. And you had a son that have come of age to go to University. He told you "Dad I want to go and learn handwork"

Truth be told, you'll scold that child; if care isn't taking, you may go Extra mile. Some parents may push that child away. But that actually may not be what the child needed, so trying to bend him to accept yours, and throwaway his passion may turn him into a confused man.

I know that you'll say he's still young, he can't make his decisions. Yes you maybe right, but not absolutely. Having a passion for a 'good' thing is beyond anyone's opinion. The truth is, that child will do very great following his Passion, than following your opinions..


Guide your children, but do not insist on your opinions always.


Oh Lord, my God

When I, in awesome wonder

Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder

Thy power throughout the universe displayed

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee

How great Thou art, how great Thou art

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee

How great Thou art, how great Thou artp


Father help us to guide our children right. And please give our children the right spirit. Amen

*Natural Affection Loading...*


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