Spiritual Long-sightedness:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Spiritual Long-sightedness


Word: Prov. 22:6

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Here's My Take:

Example Of Spiritual Long-sighted Persons:

4. Parents:

When a child choose a different occupation from your expectations, don't start yelling at him/her. Just bring him/her close and find out why. Also try to sell your ideas to them. But if they insist, allow them. E get why!

I have a brother that told his father that he doesn't want to enter High Institution. Being the only son, his father try so many ways to encourage him to enter High Institution, yet he insisted. So many people came to talk him into going to school, but it didn't work.

His reason for not entering University will shock you! He told his father "Dad I know myself, if I dare enter there, I'll join bad boys, and I'll go extreme. People advised his father to allow him, to avoid losing him tomorrow. Today that young man has one of the biggest supermarket in that city, also married with kids.


Don't just conclude that if s/he didn't go to University, s/he will never succeed. Destinies are not the same. Shalom..


Yes you're good mighty God

Glorious God you're

All the glory to you oh God

Faithful God... oh faithful God

Faithful God... oh faithful God

Only you deserve the glory in my life

Only you deserve the glory

Oh faithful God


Father guide every parents so that they won't lose their children by pressuring them. Amen

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