Our(My, Your) Now:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Luke 6:13 NLT

At daybreak he called together all of his disciples and chose twelve of them to be apostles. 

Here's My Take:

Those their Now Came:


Lessons To Learn From Jesus's Now:

6. Don't Work/Walk Alone:


Success, Achievements, Blessings,etc come from God, but via people. To every man, God has prepared a people for him. These people are those uniquely design to bring him to his Now.

Looking at how Jesus pick His own twelve, it was not recorded that He place adverts, or did random selection. He came to those that are for him, not minding their qualifications. He came to them and said "Follow me!" And they followed him.

There are people that are divinely arranged to stand between us and our Nows. It's all about locating them, then work/walk with them; and we'll get to our Nows.


In this journey, we need the Grace to know the people we should work/walk with, because we'll see a whole lot of people on the way, but the ability to knowing the ones we're meant to flow with will be a little difficult.


How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds

In a believer's ear!

It soothes his sorrow, heals his wounds

And drives away his fear

It makes the wounded spirit whole

And calms the troubled breast

'Tis manna to the hungry soul

And to the weary rest


Father help me to know the people you've placed on the way to my Now. Amen.

Is Christ your Lord???


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