Our(My, Your) Now

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Luke 4:14 NLT

Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power. Reports about him spread quickly through the whole region.

Here's My Take:

Those their Now Came:


Lessons To Learn From Jesus's Now:

9. Don't Start Empty:

Finally on Don't Start Empty: there are so much struggle in ministries, businesses, etc, today, because the owners did not engage in any form of training concerning that. They decided to engage in that because they'd seen so many people Succeed.

They never cared to know their stories; the challenges, studies, sleepless nights, starving, etc. What they're interested is on the money and fame. Not knowing that those things doesn't come cheaply; via emptiness.

Jesus and any other person that Succeeded in this life didn't start empty. Study them all, you'll find out that they were filled before they launch out.


They higher you get filled, the greater your Success. This is why Successful people don't fold their arms; they kept acquiring more knowledge, for more Success.


You make my life so beautiful

As You are You have made me here on earth

Thank you, Jesus

There's nothing greater than this

That's why I love You for evermore

I want more of You

I want more of You Jesus

The more I know You the more I want to know You

Jesus more of You


Father increase my knowledge as well as my success in Jesus name. Amen.

Are you Rapturable???



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