Our(My, Your) Now:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Luke 4:14 NLT

Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power. Reports about him spread quickly through the whole region.

Here's My Take:

Those their Now Came:


Lessons To Learn From Jesus's Now:

9. Don't Start Empty:

We'll become productive and resourceful when we're filled, and not empty. Naturally, it took Jesus thirty good years to get filled. Within the thirty years, he learnt how to live among humans, acquired physical knowledge, skills(carpentry work) learnt languages, making friends, etc.

Spiritually, even though he is spiritual and also God, yet he went on a forty days and night training, to get spiritual knowledge. Before flagging off his ministry. Which after the training, he took tests according to Luke chapter 4, and he passed

And the Bible recorded that when he was done with the training and the tests, he returned to Galilee, *filled with the Holy Spirit’s power.* And it didn't take time Reports about him spread quickly through the whole region. If he was empty, nobody would have known him at all.


Knowledge they say is power: there's no knowledge acquired that's a waste; physically, spiritually, etc.


Daily as i live

often as i breath

let my whole life be expressions of your grace

we cry Abba father, haloweth be your name, haloweth be your name, haloweth be your name.


Father help me to get all the necessary knowledge for my physical and spiritual development, in Jesus name. Amen.

Jesus is Coming Back Again: are you Ready???



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