Our(My, Your) Now:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Luke 4:14 NLT

Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power. Reports about him spread quickly through the whole region.

Here's My Take:

Those their Now Came:


Lessons To Learn From Jesus's Now:

9. Don't Start Empty:

I used to have an acquaintance some years back. He was into video/picture coverage; and he was very good at it. One day because he wanted more sources of income, he decided to open a Unisex Salon. Although I wasn't aware of it, till it's full operation.

After spending very huge amount of money to open that, he ran it for few years and stopped. I asked him why he stopped, he told me that the people he employed kept asking for increment all the time, or else they'll leave. He kept increasing their pay, yet they left. He kept employing, and they kept leaving him.

So I asked him, "but do you know how to make hair, he said no, but I can do retouching. Lols. I laughed. I simply told him "before you start any business, make sure you know how to do it very well. Because even if you employ people, when they find out that you don't know anything about it, they'll finish you; they won't be serious at all.


Don't Start a thing, until you've gain mastery in that. But you can get attached with someone till you become pro. Don't Start Empty!


Lion of Judah

My trust is in you

Ancient of days

My trust is in you

I put them all in you

My trust is in you


Father fill me up and make me successful Amen.

Jesus is Coming Back Again: are you Ready???



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